9.14.2023 - (Torah portion Ki Tavo) - According to Isaiah 53, if the Jews were not rejected by God why did they suffer?
9.7.2024 - (Torah portion Ki Teitzei) - Isaiah's text was intentionally mistranslated to mislead people.
9.1.2024 - (Torah portion Shoftim) - Objectivity should be applied to all forms of decision-making.
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks answers the question: How can we make sense of the sin offering?
Missionaries are either intentionally trying to mislead people about Isaiah 53 or are ignorant of history.
The Christian Holy Spirit and Judaism's Ruach Hakodesh are very different. Discover the true meaning of “Ruach Hakodesh.”
Rabbi Yosef Levin interviews Jews for Judaism founder Rabbi Bentzion Kravitz.
Explore the spiritual dimension of sacrifices and the lessons they provide for life.
Jews for Judaism offers individual and group sessions with people who are searching for spiritual meaning, dating an individual who is of another faith or thinking about converting to another faith.