In July of 1993, the FBI arrested eight members of the Fourth Reich Skinheads. The group's members had been plotting to attack several racially sym...
By Rabbi Bentzion Kravitz In August 2000, Senator Joe Lieberman was selected as the nominee for Vice President of the United States of American ...
During the years I followed Christianity/Messianic Judaism, my neshamah was still reaching out for authentic Jewish things. I loved spending time i...
It is 2000 years now that Christians have been striving to persuade the Jewish people to join them in their faith. And it is for 2000 years that Je...
What is the story of our evolution? What is this debate about evolution vs creation? Should we accept Darwin's theory? Let's Ask The Rabbi.
This weekly Tanach Podcast with Rabbi Yisroel Chaim Blumenthal has been brought to you by Jews for Judaism. We will find out about Jeremiah Chapter...
This weekly Tanach Podcast with Rabbi Yisroel Chaim Blumenthal has been brought to you by Jews for Judaism. We will discuss Jeremiah Chapters 15-16...
Why is it important to give the women in your life flowers before Shabbat? What is the power of a flower? Let's find out.
What if your religious observance has started to become neurotic? This post tells us about what you should do as a Jew.
Did you accidentally break Shabbos? Can you be fully observant and not go mad? Are you doing it correctly?
When someone dies, Rabbi Moss tells us how we can handle pain and loss....
Light straddles the defining line that runs between the physical and the spiritual. Sans weight, sans mass, sans just about any of matter’s propert...
Why is Judaism passed down through the mother? I understand in olden times it was easy to know who your mother was and there was no way of proving ...
The ninth day of the Hebrew month of Av begins tonight (Wednesday, July 29) at sunset. This day marks the anniversary of the destruction of both th...
This weekly Tanach Podcast is a with Rabbi Yisroel Chaim Blumenthal has been brought to you by Jews for Judaism. Today we focus on Jeremiah Chapter...
This weekly Tanach Podcast is a session on Jeremiah Chapter 11 with Rabbi Yisroel CHaim Blumenthal, brought to you by Jews for Judaism.
If the statistics are right, the Jews constitute but one per cent. of the human race. It suggests a nebulous dim puff of star-dust lost in the blaz...
Why do you care about the homeless? What's it your business? Are they members of your own family that you should be concerned about them?
Without going into subtle distinctions, most of the world’s religions — including Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism — suggest that both one’s heart and ...
If the sun had the same temperature and energy but did not radiate its heat, it would be of no value to our planet.
American Jews overwhelmingly say they are proud to be Jewish and have a strong sense of belonging to the Jewish people, according to a major new su...
Jews without religion tend not to raise their children Jewish, so this secular trend has serious consequences for what Jewish leaders call “Jewish ...
Some modem scholars claim that Judaism has no binding dogmas and that it is concerned solely with deeds. They regard Judaism as a purely rational a...
Based on the Thirteen Principles of Faith formulated by the Rambam in his Commentary on the Mishnah (tractate Sanhedrin 10:1).
There are seven things that characterize a boor and seven that characterize a wise man...
One perceived contradiction between Torah and science is the age of the universe. Is there a way to reconcile these two views?
When it comes to salesmanship – which is essentially what evangelism is all about – the “soft-sell” is still a sales pitch.