“Jesus Camp,” this year’s Academy Award-nominated documentary, underscores an alarming trend. Christian youth, eager and well-trained, are determin...
The New Testament, which contains 27 books, can be best described as a document dedicated to spreading stories about Jesus and his mission. Sometim...
In an attempt to fit Christian theology into the Jewish bible the New Testament manufactures verses to prove its beliefs.
What did Paul establish as the main tenets of Christian faith? How did Christianity evolve to what it is today?
Christianity did not develop in a vacuum. Nor did it simply come into existence with the death of Jesus and his alleged resurrection. Take a look a...
In a similar fashion to the mistranslation of the “Virgin Birth” , Christian translators have manipulated many parts of Scripture to “force” it to ...
When it comes to salesmanship – which is essentially what evangelism is all about – the “soft-sell” is still a sales pitch.
The Christian understanding of the Messiah and Jesus differs greatly from the Jewish biblical view.
It is always important to make an educated decision. When examining a Missionary proof text you must look at the context and the original text.
In this post, we find out the missionaries' obsession and motives to convert Jews. What are the missionary tactics they use to convert Jews?
Judaism maintains that although certain beliefs may be permissible for non-Jews, they are not acceptable for Jews.
Are the Jews God's Chosen people? What does “chosen” mean? Let's find out.
The Christian belief is that one cannot achieve a personal relationship directly with God by the performance of Mitzvot anymore. What does Judaism ...
Many college students and students "doing their year" in Israel have contacted Jews for Judaism to speak about run-ins they have had with missionar...
Wasn't the Prophet, in fact, referring to Jesus in this chapter? And didn't all Jews before the Middle Ages recognize this chapter as "messianic"? ...
In an attempt to prove the Divinity of the Messiah, Christians misquote Psalm 110:1 as, "The LORD said to my Lord, Sit at my right hand, until I ma...
The growth of the Jews for Jesus and Messianic movements in Israel, especially during Israel’s 60th Anniversary, is unprecedented and an outcome of...
Is Isaiah 7:14 talking about a virgin birth? The answer is simple. This passage in Isaiah isn’t speaking about the Messiah or a virgin birth.
Is it true that spiritual salvation and a personal relationship with God can only come through Jesus?
There are major fundamental differences in the belief systems of Christianity and Judaism. This chart outlines these differences:
Will the messiah be the ultimate sacrifice for the sins of the world. Are born condemned and that without the practice of animal sacrifices we cann...
To be a "Jew for Jesus" is as absurd as being a "Christian for Buddha" and as ridiculous as "kosher pork;" it is an obvious contradiction.
When missionaries like Jews for Jesus, Messianic Jews and a host of other such organizations, share the belief that Jesus was Messiah and G-d. In d...