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Was Jesus "stricken by his enemies"?

Isaiah 53:4 says that the suffering servant was considered "stricken" by his enemies. Does this describe Jesus in any way? Read on to find out..

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How does Isaiah 53:8 show that the death of Jesus should not be considered as atonement for all

How does Isaiah 53:8 show that the death of Jesus should not be considered as atonement for the sins of humankind? Read on to find out.

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Did Jews believe the suffering servant was the messiah?

Is it true (as Christians claim) that Jews at the time of the destruction of the Second Temple believed that Isaiah 53 spoke of a suffering messiah...

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Does "By oppression and judgment he was taken away," refer to Jesus?

Does "By oppression and judgment he was taken away," refer to Jesus? Read this interesting post by Gerald Sigal.

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What is meant in Isaiah 53:8 by: "And his life's history who is able to relate?

What is meant in Isaiah 53:8 by: "And his life's history who is able to relate?" Read on to find out in this interesting post by Gerald Sigal

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What is meant in Isaiah 53:8 by: "For he was cut off out of the land of the living"?

What is meant in Isaiah 53:8 by: "For he was cut off out of the land of the living"? Read on to find out in this interesting post by Gerald Sigal.

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Why do Jews reject the Christian claim that "And his grave was set with the wicked,...

Why do Jews reject the Christian claim that "And his grave was set with the wicked, and with the rich in his deaths" (Isaiah 53:9) refers to Jesus?...

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What is the meaning of "And his grave was set with the wicked, and with the rich in his deaths"?

What is the meaning of "And his grave was set with the wicked, and with the rich in his deaths"?

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What is one reason Jews do not accept the Christian belief that Jesus is the incarnation of God?

Why do Jews not accept the Christian belief that Jesus is the incarnation of God? What is that one reason? Let's find out...

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Is it true that the Zohar's commentary on the Shema confirms the Christian doctrine of Trinity?

Is it true that the Zohar's commentary on the Shema confirms the Christian doctrine of Trinity? Let's find out in this interesting post.

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If Jesus was God as well as man how could Satan expect to tempt him?

In this post by Gerald Sigal, we get answers to the question, as to how, if Jesus was God as well as man, Satan felt he could tempt him? Let's find...

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Did Flavius Josephus provides corroborative evidence for Christian claims?

Is it true that the first century C.E. Jewish historian Flavius Josephus provides corroborative evidence for the Christian claims concerning the al...

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Jesus says, "I and the Father are one ." Doesn't this show that they are one in essence?

In John 10:30 Jesus says, "I and the Father are one [hen]." Doesn't this show that they are one in essence? Find out in this interesting post by Ge...

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Is one of the best New Testament proofs for the doctrine of a triune god is found in 1 John 5:7-8?

Is one of the best New Testament proofs for the doctrine of a triune god is found in 1 John 5:7-8?

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Does Psalms 110:1 show that the Messiah will be greater than David and be a divine being?

Doesn't Psalms 110:1 show that the Messiah will not only be greater than David but must also be a divine being? Read this interesting article by Ge...

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Do Deuteronomy 6:4 and Psalms 110:1 teach the trinitarian plurality of God?

Do Deuteronomy 6:4 and Psalms 110:1 teach the trinitarian plurality of God? Let's find out in this interesting post by Gerald Sigal.

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Is Trinity supported by the account of Sodom and Gomorrah?

Isn't the doctrine of the Trinity supported by Genesis 19:24: "Then the Lord caused to rain upon Sodom and Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lor...

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In what sense is 'echad' [one] used in the Shema?

The word 'echad, "one," is used in the Jewish Scriptures in either a compound or absolute sense. In what sense is 'echad used in the Shema, "Hear, ...

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Why didn't the Jewish authorities produce Jesus' corpse?

Why didn't the Jewish authorities produce Jesus' corpse when the rumor spread that he had risen from the dead? Let's find out.

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Did a portion of the tri-unity god become man to suffer in order to save?

Is it true that a portion of the Christian tri-unity god (i.e., Jesus) became man for the express purpose of undergoing temptation and suffering in...

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Does the word "spirit" refer to what Christians call the "third member of the trinity"?

Does the word "spirit" in "The Lord God has sent me, and His spirit" (Isaiah 48:16) refer to what Christians call the "third member of the trinity"...

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What is the claim where Jesus says, "before Abraham came into being, I am" (John 8:58)?

In this question and answer post by Gerald Sigal, we find out whether Jesus is part of a tri-unity god, was Jesus there before Abraham came into be...

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What does Jesus mean when he says when he says, "I am the Alpha and the Omega...?

In the Book of Revelation we find the verse, "I am the Alpha and the Omega, says the Lord God, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty"...

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When God said: "Let us make man in our image ?

God said "Let us make man in our image... " and "Come, let us go down, and there confound their language" To whom does the "us" refer? Find out in ...

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Is it true that Jesus' family, including his mother, believed that he was mentally ill?

There seems to be something in the texts that says that Jesus' family, including his mother, seemed to have believed that he was mentally ill? Is t...

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Is it true that Jesus did nothing of a violent nature during his lifetime?

In this question and answer post, find out from Gerald Sigal whether Jesus did anything of violent nature during his lifetime.

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Is it true that Jesus never lied?

Has Jesus never lied? Is it a fact or a myth? Let us find out in this post.

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Where do Christian Scriptures contradict what is written in the Jewish Scriptures

Where do Christian Scriptures contradict what is written in the Jewish Scriptures? Let's find out in this interesting article by Gerald Sigal.

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Is Stephen's "75 Souls" a contradiction of Jewish Scriptures?

Why is Stephen's statement, "And Joseph sent and called Jacob his father and all his relatives, seventy-five souls" (Acts 7:14), considered a contr...

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Who buried Jesus and why didn't they testify as to the disposition of the body?

Who buried Jesus and why didn't they testify as to the disposition of the body? Let's find out.

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