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How would the Jewish authorities have treated Jesus' corpse?

How would the Jewish authorities have treated Jesus' corpse?

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Who was first to see Jesus after his supposed resurrection?

Did the supposed resurrection of Jesus happen? Did anyone actually see it, is there a witness? Let us find out in this question and answer post.

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Who supposedly witnessed the resurrected Jesus?

Paul gives a list of those who supposedly saw a resurrected Jesus. The list includes "the twelve," a reference to the twelve apostles. Isn't this a...

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Do 500 brethern establish a reliable claim to the resurrection?

Paul claims that Jesus appeared to "more than five hundred brethren at one time." Does this present a reliable witness to the Christian claim that ...

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Does Paul's claim that Jesus appeared to him establish that Jesus was resurrected?

Paul claims that Jesus appeared to him. Does this present a reliable witness to the Christian claim that Jesus was resurrected? Let's find out.

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Was the Last Supper a Seder?

What was the last supper about? Was it a Seder? What happened exactly? Let's find out in this interesting post by Gerald Sigal.

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Could Jesus have hated anyone when he spoke words of forgiveness and non-resistance to wickedness?

Could Jesus have hated anyone when he spoke words of forgiveness and non-resistance to wickedness?

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Why is it said that Luke 19:11-27 calls upon Jesus' followers to murder Jews who do not accept him?

Why is it said that Luke 19:11-27 calls upon Jesus' followers to murder Jews who do not accept him? Let's find out in this interesting post.

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Whom does the author of the Book of Matthew blame for the death of John Baptist?

Whom does the author of the Book of Matthew blame for the death of John Baptist? Let's find out in this interesting post by Gerald Sigal.

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How does the Book of Revelation promote hatred of Jews?

What does the Book of Revelation say? Does it promote hatred of Jews? Let's find out.

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Should all Christianity be Condemned because a few did Horrific Acts?

Should all of Christianity be condemned because some Christians have perpetrated horrific crimes in Jesus' name?

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How can the Gospel of John be called anti-Semitic when Jesus and his disciples were all Jews?

How can the Gospel of John be called anti-Semitic when Jesus and his disciples were all Jews? Let's find out.

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What are the criteria that Judaism has established about the messiah?

The Jewish tradition of "The Messiah" has its foundation in numerous biblical references, and understands "The Messiah" to be a human being - witho...

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Jewish Belief in Messiah and the Messianic Age

“I Believe With Complete Faith In The Coming Of The Messiah….” (from the Thirteen Principles of Faith). Let us find out what Judaism teaches about ...

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Is Jeremiah's "new covenant" (Jeremiah 31:31-34) a prophecy fulfilled by the New Testament?

What is the meaning of the term "new covenant" as suggested in Jeremiah? What is written in Jeremiah 31:31-34? Find out in this post.

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New Testament passages that refute the Christian doctrine of the Trinity?

Is it true that there are New Testament passages that refute the Christian doctrine of the Trinity? Let's find out.

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Did the Roman soldiers divide up Jesus' clothing in fulfillment of Psalms

As per Psalms 22:19 it is thought that the Roman soldiers divided up Jesus's clothing, is it true? Let us find out in this post.

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Why is it said that the term "the Jews" as generally used in the Gospel of John is anti-Semitic?

Why is it said that the term "the Jews" as generally used in the Gospel of John is anti-Semitic?

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Did Jesus shed blood in Gethsemane count as blood sacrifice?

Did Jesus shed blood in Gethesemane count as blood sacrifice? Let's find out in this interesting post by Gerald Sigal. Let us know what you think o...

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What are some of the fundamental changes that the true Messiah will bring about when he comes?

What are some of the fundamental changes that the true Messiah will bring about when he comes? Let's find out in this interesting article.

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According to the New Testament, after how long an interval did Jesus promise to return to earth?

According to the New Testament, after how long an interval did Jesus promise to return to earth?

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Did the delay in Jesus' second coming give further opportunity for people to be "saved"?

Didn't the delay in Jesus' second coming give further opportunity for people to be "saved" by believing in him?

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Who is the suffering servant of the Lord?

Who is the suffering servant of the Lord? Let's find out.

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How can Jews say that the suffering servant of Isaiah 53 refers to the Jewish people?

How can Jews say that the suffering servant of Isaiah 53 refers to the Jewish people when not every aspect of this passage has been fulfilled by an...

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Portion of the great --- he has nothing?

How can Christians apply the phrase v'ayn lo, "he has nothing" or "he shall have nothing" (Daniel 9:26) and Isaiah 53:12, where the suffering serva...

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According to Isaiah 53:8, why does the servant of the Lord suffer?

According to Isaiah 53:8, why does the servant of the Lord suffer?

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Did Israel suffer primarily because of its own sins?

The Jewish interpretation of Isaiah 53 maintains that the suffering servant of Israel suffered because of the persecutions by the Gentile nations. ...

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Does Philippians 2:11 show that Paul taught that Jesus and God are equal?

In Philippians 2:11 Paul states "that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." Doesn't this show that he taught that Jesus and God ar...

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Does Revelation 11:15 show the equality of Jesus and God?

Revelation 11:15 states that "The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ." Doesn't this verse show the equality ...

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Does Matthew 28:19 show the existence of a triune deity?

Doesn't the command by Matthew's Jesus to, "Go therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spi...

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