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Does Mark 3:21 say Jesus' kinsmen said he was mentally ill?

Mark 3:21 mentions some persons that said Jesus had lost his senses. Does the text say Jesus' kinsmen said he was mentally ill or was it 5s outside...

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Which version of Stephens's Acts 7 speech is correct?

Stephen's speech, made while he was supposedly "full of the Holy Spirit" (Acts 7:55), shows a number of distinct differences from that found in Chr...

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Do the 3 Passover Matzas symbolize the Trinity?

Finally we "resurrect" the middle matza, just as Jesus is said to have rose from the grave. What is the truth of this claim?

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Were the New Testament authors contriving anti-Jewish episodes or simply stating historical fact?

Were the New Testament authors contriving anti-Jewish episodes or simply stating historical fact?

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Is it true that the New Testament criticism of the Jews is quite mild?

Is it true that the New Testament criticism of the Jews is quite mild? Let's find out.

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Who is the husband of Mary, the mother of Jesus?

Who is the husband of Mary, the mother of Jesus? Let's find out in this interesting post.

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What is the major concern of Leviticus 17:10-14?

What is the major concern of Leviticus 17:10-14? Let's find out in this interesting post.

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Almah, virgin and parthenos

If 'almah means "young woman" in Hebrew why did the Jewish scholar who translated the Book of Isaiah into Greek use a Greek word for "virgin," part...

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What are the implications of the New Testament claim that Jesus was "born under law"?

What are the implications of the New Testament claim that Jesus was "born under law"? Let's find out.

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Will Messiah will be born in Bethlehem?

Was there a prediction that says that the Messiah will be born in Bethlehem? Let's find out in this interesting post.

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What about Matthew, Hosea 11:1 and being called out of Egypt?

What are the implications of the author of Matthew using Hosea 11:1 to describe Mary, Joseph, and Jesus being called out of Egypt?

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Can you give a reason why Jews say Isaiah 9:6 does not refer to Jesus?

Why do Jews say Isaiah 9:6 does not refer to Jesus? What is the reason behind this? Let's find out in this interesting post.

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Who is the child in Isaiah 9:5-6?

Isaiah 9:5-6 says: "For a child has been born to us, a son has been given to us; and the government is upon his shoulder; and his name is called A ...

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The Scepter of Judah, Shiloh and the Messiah

The text of Genesis 49:10, "The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor the ruler's staff from between his feet, until Shiloh comes; and to him sh...

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Must the Messiah be a descendent of Solomon?

I understand that the Messiah must be a descendant of David but where does it say he must be a descendant of Solomon as well?

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Did Mary and Joseph claim that Jesus was conceived in a supernatural way?

Was Jesus conceived in a supernatural way? Did Mary and Joseph claim so? Let's find out.

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Is there a missing prophecy of the Nazarene?

In this interesting post by Gerald Sigal, find out whether there is any prophecy of the Nazarene that may be missing from the Bible. Or is there a ...

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Who's genealogy is given by Luke?

Doesn't it make sense to say that the Gospel of Luke gives Mary's genealogy, since it would be nonsense to go through Joseph's line if he is not th...

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The Roman Census in Luke - actually carried out?

Why has it been said that if the Roman census described in the Gospel of Luke was actually carried out as described it would have caused chaos and ...

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How can a non-Jew Answer the Christian missionary's Question, "Are you saved?

How can a non-Jew Answer the Christian missionary's Question, "Are you saved?" Let's find out.

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Who does Jesus say will be saved and how will they know it?

Who does Jesus say will be saved and how will they know it? Let's find out in this interesting article by Gerald Sigal...

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Did rabbinic Judaism substitute a non-biblical atonement?

Following the Temple destruction in 70 C.E. did rabbinic Judaism substitute a non-biblical atonement system? Let's find out in this article.

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Was Jesus a high priest?

Isn't it true that Jesus was a high priest and therefore he offered himself as a sacrifice? Let's find out in this interesting article by Gerald Si...

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Jesus = Perfect Sacrifice?

Didn't Jesus' death mark the culmination of his perfect observance of the Mosaic Law and the institution of the perfect and continuous sacrifice fo...

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Jesus' death = remission of sin?

Did Jesus' manner of death satisfy the animal atonement sacrifice provisions for remission of sin of the Hebrew Scriptures?

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Did Jesus Fulfill the Law (the Torah)?

Did Jesus Fulfill the Law (the Torah)? Let's find out in this interesting article by Gerald Sigal.

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Who Was Given the Law of God?

There are three biblical regulations, which relate directly to a study of the claim that Jesus was the ultimate passover lamb whose cosmic role is ...

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Believing "just in case"

I have been told that if I don't believe in Jesus as my savior I am going straight to Hell after I die. This seems like a compelling reason for me ...

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Is Jesus the son that is referred to in Proverbs 30:4?

Proverbs 30:4 refers to someone who had ascended up to Heaven, was it Jesus that was being referred? Find out in this question and answer post.

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Did Jesus possess the Melchizedek priesthood?

It is true that Jesus did not have the Aaronic priesthood, but didn't he posses the Melchizedek priesthood and thereby could offer up himself as a ...

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