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Deuteronomy 27:26 states: “Cursed be he who does not establish the words of this law to do them.” Paul, seeking to deprecate the Torah in an effort...
The poor man’s offering What does the Torah say concerning a poor man who cannot afford the price of a blood sacrifice? But if he cannot afford tw...
Availability of God’s forgiveness As we have seen, the sacrificial system is a part of one method the Almighty provides for attaining forgiveness ...
The sacrifices of our lips ̶ ̶ Hosea 14:3 The understanding that under certain circumstances prayer alone is sufficient in the atonement process i...
That which is acceptable to God The sacrificial atonement system of the Torah was given exclusively to the Jewish people: “I have given it [the bl...
The Nicene Creed It is a fundamental belief of most Christians that God consists of three beings in one: God the Father, God the Son and God the H...
Trinitarians cite this passage as further evidence of their allegation that the term “angel of the Lord” refers to part of a triune deity.
(Exodus 3:2-8, 10-16, 18) The Angel of the Lord Some trinitarians claim that whenever the Scriptures mention malach ’Adon-ai (Y-H-V-H), “an angel ...
(Genesis 49:10) Christians attempt to demonstrate that the Messiah had to come prior to the end of Jewish sovereignty in 70 C.E. by citing Genes...
Continued from Chapter 7 (Genesis 32:25-31) Christians use the biblical story of Jacob’s wrestling with an angel as proof of their belief in a tr...
Micah 5:1 states: “But you, Bethlehem Ephratah, who are little to be among the thousands of Judah, out of you shall one come forth to Me that is to...
Continued from Chapter 4 (Genesis 3:15, 17:8) God made two significant promises to Abraham concerning the everlasting possession of ’Eretz Yi...
(Genesis 3:15) Some Christians explain the genealogical discord between Matthew and Luke by claiming that the determination of the Messiah’s gen...
Continued from Chapter 1 Chapter 2 US AND OUR (Genesis 1:26, 11:7) God said: “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness” (Genesis 1:2...
INTRODUCTION For Jews adhering to traditional Judaism the Torah is God’s words revealed directly to Moses. Subsequent additions to the Jewish cano...
(Isaiah 63:7-10) Some trinitarians believe that the idea of the existence of three divine personalities active in man’s salvation was declared b...
(Psalms 41:10) New Testament authors attempt to legitimatize the claims they make on behalf of Jesus by referral to biblical verses.
The Jewish Star - originally, the Hebrew name Magen David ― literally “Shield of David” ― poetically referred to God.
the Christian say that Hosea 5:15 is talking about Jesus being hidden and then returning. This is a clear example of circular reasoning
The Mishna and the Talmud are part of the oral tradition. They help us understand the context of the Bible and interpret the Laws so that they are ...
The Talmud has been the core source of Jewish knowledge for two thousand years.
The Jewish people’s relationship with God is similar to the relationship of a father and a son.
This is a question answer with the Rabbi Zalman Kravitz. Find answers to your questions here.
Some scholars say the spelling ka’aru is found in a 1st/2nd century C.E. manuscript from Nachal Chever (5/6 HevPs).
(Psalms 69:22) The Gospel authors often employed scriptural verses out of context in order to support their claim that Jesus is the central theme ...
Who’s your daddy? On the basis of Mark 12:35-37, Christians ask: “If the Jewish Messiah is not the Son of God, how do you answer Jesus’ question?”
God cannot be separate from Himself The privilege of sitting at the right hand is a mark of distinction (1 Kings 2:19). The terminology “sit at My...
“A priest forever” Psalms 110:4 states, “You are a priest forever after the manner of Melchizedek.” God considers David as being in special servic...